For the English speaking community, I’m happy to present the English translation of my German book Aufbruch zur Quelle. Von der Sehnsucht nach dem Ursprung. You’ll find it under the title: Leaving for the Source of Life. Of the Longing for the Origin. More details after the book cover.
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For the searching reader, I present my discovery which is linked to the topic of natural law: What are we supposed to do in a world that doesn’t care about moral standards anymore, that finds it okay to sacrifice the basis of life on the altar of quick gratification? Everything is allowed except the question of truth, of what really serves life. Is there even a trustworthy foundation on which we can build a mutual understanding and agreement?
Well, having just turned 60, I tried every conceivable way to get to the root of the matter, until I came across Dr. Shmuel Asher six years ago. With outstanding credentials (see his preface down below), he demonstrated convincingly how the Hebrew Bible, the Old Testament, was manipulated and falsely translated from Hebrew. Thus, he uncovered the original first law of free will, the Everlasting Agreement. For an in-depth discussion of my book, I suggest the following train of thoughts:
First, I’ll debunk the sacrificial system as the greatest tool for mind control of the masses. Animal and human sacrifices are so deeply engrained in all cultural traditions, that it is very hard to imagine a world without it, even harder without killing at all. If that’s the case, then the question arises: How did we end up here in this realm evermore resembling a madhouse? The allegory of Plato’s cave will serve as a surprising inspiration.
Further, given that we have free will, how do we get out, when the massive control system seems to be unstoppable. The way out, I’m convinced, is the way within, towards self-knowledge and the knowledge of the Supreme Creator. This goes hand in hand with a fundamental adjustment of our own values and the basic way of life. In order to paint a clearer and broader picture, I also refer the Dead See Scrolls, to extra biblical sources like the Gospel of Peace by the Essene, the book of Enoch and the Vedic tradition.
As a whole, I’m presenting a spiritual tour guide for searching individuals, especially for those who struggle with institutionalized religion as well as for those who are fed up with superficial New Age talking points. As an illustration I’m offering my own experience but without promoting any kind of religious affiliation. With one word: it’s not about religion, it’s all about spirituality.
In my book, there are three main chapters. The first one «Leave and learn» presents the biblical and extra-biblical texts and their interpretation. In places it can be quite challenging for those who are not so familiar with this tradition. They best skim it, gathering the gist of the argument, and move over to the second chapter «Return and live». There I’ll accompany the reader towards an application of newly found insights, considering the main stumbling blocks one might face. In the third chapter “Confess and teach” I talk about the way how you can become a witness to the Everlasting Agreement.
In order to make up your mind, read the attached preface by Dr. Shmuel Asher. He is the main inspiration for writing this book and has now become a good friend.
Preface by Dr. Shmuel Asher
In finding who we are, one may find who we were never meant to be: Divine-Law-Breakers!
As a teacher of the Eternal Creator’s most sacred truth spanning 40 years now, and with the weight of being the 21st generation of Torah scholars in my Hebrew lineage, I have had the great pleasure of instructing tens of thousands of good souls who were also spending the greater part of their lives seeking some elusive truth among this world’s religions that their souls told them existed, but having none of the cultural background and ability to find and identify the original path, conclusively.
With such an ancient truth as the Everlasting Agreement being so utterly buried by the established religions through near countless generations, the road for anyone coming «out of her» and back into the Eternal One’s original Law for all living beings, can be daunting at best, and just as Yehshua expressed to his students, this original truth which he most certainly lived and taught, is the one that will divide fathers from sons, mothers from daughters and husbands from wives. Certainly after 2500 or so years of Christianity and Judaism since Yehshua lived, we cannot say that either of those organized religions separates people as Yehshua clearly tells us his path would.
Additionally, in our modern times it is equally as dangerous for any author, as you are about to read in this great work by Dr. Stefan P. Becker, to put on this cloak and wield this torch of ancient, original truth with the understanding that by doing so they are calling-out all of the forces of evil who are currently, mostly, still invisible to us, but no less dangerous. This work should never be attempted in this world unless the person doing so is fully invested in, and covered by the protection and provision promises for those living within the 1st Law of the Everlasting Agreement. As a teacher who has devoted his life to this singular endeavor, I am happy beyond words to know that Stefan, is in fact, one of those «Yehshurim» people who has learned it all correctly, digested all its details thoroughly to come out on the other side with a substantial ability to teach it in its original and complete form, which to my knowledge few have done. Surely Stefan will receive high honors with our Father in heaven on that fateful day, for standing!
This work by Stefan P. Becker, in my humble opinion, is a phenomenal compilation of many ancient precepts with other, more contemporary opinions, coupled with sacred tributaries that eventually coalesce back to the core of this fallen world’s deep spiritual famine, and presenting this path to the many who still have time to Return.
Be Blessed my friend.
Dr. Shmuel Asher